An introductory level, suitable for planning practitioners who are starting out or for those wanting to brush up on the basics.
The course builds on Planners’ 1 and explores why and how we plan and how work delivery can be optimised with existing teams, systems, and approach to work management.
Designed to assist in your understanding of the total approach to ensuring assets deliver their required level of reliability and performance throughout their operational life.
Understand why specific processes, systems and reports are necessary to inform asset management decision making.
Understand the work associated with the delivery of shutdowns and turnarounds.
This course helps Supervisors ensure that their teams deliver safe, on-time, high-quality work, while also providing timely feedback on equipment risks that may cause downtime.
The fundamentals of machinery lubrication necessary for a foundational understanding of lubrication enabled reliability.
Lubrication School 2 teaches advanced oil analysis for predictive maintenance, optimizing machine efficiency through sampling, monitoring, and proactive degradation detection.
Take dead aim at Precision Maintenance (Fasteners, Lubrication, Alignment and Balance) to significantly improve operational reliability of plant equipment and the plant processes.
Best practices and strategies for effective MRO inventory management, and the principles of spare parts optimisation.
This short course describes how an effective asset management system allows an organisation to best utilise its physical asset portfolio to achieve its business objectives.
An overview of how lubricants work and many elements that are important to an effective lubrication program.
The fundamentals of machinery lubrication necessary for a foundational understanding of lubrication enabled reliability.
'Entry', or 'Junior Level' Mobius Institute™ Category I course is intended for personnel who are new or have 6 months vibration monitoring and analysis experience.
The ‘Intermediate Level’ Category 2 course is ideal for those who are interested in condition monitoring to ensure the reliability of their machinery.
The Advanced Category 3 is for a candidate who is committed to reliability through condition monitoring, and who has at least two years vibration analysis experience.
Try changing or clearing the filters
Whether you have 15 or 1500 people to train, our schools can be offered at a time and location most convenient for your company.
Asset Schools training courses can be completed individually at any time, but have you considered planning a Learning Pathway?
Our most popular pathway with most students completing the 5 courses over 18 months.
Lubrication – from awareness to fundamentals to foundation to advanced.
Most popular for Maintenance and Reliability Leaders, Superintendents and Managers.
Vibration Analysis – from entry level to intermediate to advanced.